our work

We offer the children a safe environment in which they can play without worries. With numerous playful activities, which not only promote a sense of community but also enable the children to learn through play.

our aim

We want to create a place of encounter for children and families to learn through play, to experience positive moments and to forget everyday life for a short time. It should be an oasis of relaxation, well-being, play and learning.

our team

Behind saluxeduc is a committed and professional team led by Anja Parin Jarra and Clark Jarra. We align our knowledge and skills with our personal values and interest in further developing the Gambian community. Our governance structure combines a system of project manager responsibility, regular meetings and selected consensus within our project team.




Flyer - Funpark
Flyer - Funpark.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 22.0 MB